Unlike Vista, its Beta was given free to public with validity for period as long as July 2010. I’m still rocking the RTM build on my laptop and these days it is acting as my download rig. Even thought the Beta version of Windows 7 is running on it, its still more stable than Vista. Its been up for 24x7 for past fortnight and no issue yet.
The pricing of Windows 7 has been very competitive while in India the pricing has been somewhat a bit on the loftier side but he student upgrade scheme from Microsoft is providing the upgrades to Windows 7 Home Premium for as low as $ 30 to Students.Windows 7 are available in India at the following prices:
Windows 7 Home Basic - Rs. 5,899
Windows 7 Home Premium - Rs. 6,799
Windows 7 Professional - Rs. 11,199
Windows 7 Ultimate - Rs. 11,799

The cheapest launch price for Windows 7 is in Indonesia where the Home Premium is available for Rp 9,00,000, that is 4,400 in Indian Rupees.
CNET has done a great article where the have compared in detail the various versions of Windows 7. You can read it here.
In the gaming world, Infinity Ward created a furor among hordes of gamers when it announced that the new Modern Warfare 2 won’t have Dedicated Servers but rather custom-built matchmaking.
This not only pissed off millions of PC gamers like me across the world but also across the nation too. There were online petition sprees where signatures have reached to whopping 1,47,414 as of this morning. The news in detail can be read here, the Call of Duty’s official thread. To the huge disappointment of all IW trashed all of our hopes and dreams citing the stupid reasons like
- We're just prioritizing the player experience above the modders and the tuners
- ...Feedback IW has received from PC fans of Modern Warfare who couldn't find a decent server to play on between all of the cheaters
- ...hardcore PC players lose very little to this change relative to the returns that casual to moderate fans will see

Well IW has teamed up with Valve and became a Steam whore and now has introduced VAC instead of PB, which is more pathetic at stopping cheaters. No matter what reasons they may cite for their dumbass decisions, point remains fixated that IW has Hammered its own foot. They’ve not only killed PC gaming significantly but also showed that to them Money is what matters most. I mean the game would sell alright but the numbers would low as compared to Modern Warfare. As the IW has made it clear that unlike Modern Warfare this time the DLC would paid-for, I predict that we will have dedicated servers in future for MW2 too but after a grinding and paying through our ass in the name of DLC.
You read the IW’s response and their FOURZEROTWO’s clarification regarding the matters in the links.
Well as for me, I pre-ordered the MW2 at www.intencity.in, got a sweet deal to a the dealer proposes to give free T-Shirts and Posters to all the Pre-Orders and is also providing Prestige Edition, if you can afford one(10K!). Besides all this chaos I’ve got my certification exams nearing, 30th and 31st October are the determined dates and also have to kick up my GATE-2010 preparations. Last night I gave the online interview/exam for Vanilla Networks, let’s see what pans out.